
Here you can see some of the over 1000 bioenergy plants Jernforsen has created in close cooperation all over the world.

District heating

Gislaved Energi

Gislaved Energi expanded the district heating network and connected Anderstorp to Gislaved and needed more fossil-free energy.

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Eidsiva Bio

Eidsiva Bioenergi operates district heating in Elverum. A city where expansion was rapid and the existing center quickly became too small.

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Perstorps Fjärrvärme

Perstorp Fjärrvärme AB, PFAB, is a company equally owned by E.ON and Perstorp Municipality.

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VIDA Alvesta

VIDA's sawmill in Alvesta bought energy from Alvesta Energi's heating plant.

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Moelven Soknabruket

At Moelven's sawmill in Sokna, Moelven built a pellet factory that needs about 8 MW.

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